What the meaning of life is.

Both "the meaning" and "the life" were not intended to be in the first place to be asked about later.
In other words, asking about the meaning of life is as stupid as talking about the intentions of the bad guy in a movie.
It is what it is.

The need

When your mind is locked and your thoughts are imprisoned by your memories,
when you can't think straight through the obstacles,
when you thirst for more wisdom and ideas,
grab a joint and conquer all the gray cells you want,
and then when you came back to this humble world... whatever... you'll know then.

It's hard to keep up.

The human race is growing too fast.
We have more than twice the past decade's tools and ideas.
And it seems it's not gonna end ever.
But it always develops a way to maintain its control over the overcomplexity of the modern life.

It's called management. If it wasn't for that, we had to go to school until we're 60 and pay one billion dollars for a P4 laptop!

The more managed you are, the more successful you'd be.

Why do we have to suffer.

Some people use their powers. They are called geniuses.
They suffer all the time, because of their great responsibility.

Some people haven't found their powers yet, showing almost no sign of effort.
They suffer less, because they lack a real purpose and a strong ambition.

And there are those who know their powers, but don't put them to good use.
They suffer the most and make others suffer as well.